Strait of Bonifacio Live Ship Traffic Map, Live Ship Tracking

By monitoring the Strait of Bonifacio marine traffic, you can follow all the marine vehicles and ships currently passing or in the region and by examining the live marine traffic density map, you can see how busy Strait of Bonifacio area is right now. You can also get information about the ships by clicking on the ships. You can see which route the ship followed to get here, and you can follow its route if you wish by seeing where it will go.

Live Marine Traffic, Density Map and Current Position of ships in Strait of Bonifacio

With the map above, you can follow real-time ships and boats around the Strait of Bonifacio. You can enlarge and reduce the map with the help of the (+) and (-) buttons, drag it to the right or left to see the ship traffic in the desired sea or ocean and follow the traveling ships. If you are curious about the latest marine traffic flow around the Strait of Bonifacio, you can follow the current situation instantly and live from the map above. In order to learn the information of any ship on the map, click on a ship on the ship tracking map to open the detail window showing the ship's information. If you click on the ship icon, you can get information about the country flag, ship type, status, current speed, route, length and width, tonnage and also the destination port. In general, the types of ships on the map are separated by colors. For example, commercial ship with green color, tanker ship (carrying LNG, LPG, chemicals and crude oil with red), passenger ship with dark blue, speed boat with yellow color, Tug with light blue, fishing boat with orange, yacht-style boats with purple and other ship types with gray color. Ships anchored in ports and not moving are also separated by color, but are shown as round circles.

What are the Ports Near the Strait of Bonifacio?

Port NameDistance MileDistance Km
Porto Vecchio6.01 miles9.67 Km
Bonifacio9.14 miles14.72 Km
Maddalena21.68 miles34.89 Km
Port De Propriano22.08 miles35.54 Km
Liscia Di Vacca28.26 miles45.48 Km
Porto Cervo29.25 miles47.07 Km
Cala Volpe32.25 miles51.90 Km
Port D' Ajaccio38.65 miles62.20 Km
Golfo Aranci40.06 miles64.47 Km
Olbia42.27 miles68.03 Km
Porto Torres63.06 miles101.49 Km
Calvi78.04 miles125.59 Km
L'ile Rousse79.97 miles128.70 Km
Alghero81.01 miles130.37 Km
Bastia83.54 miles134.45 Km
Giglio Porto104.52 miles168.21 Km
Portoferraio106.56 miles171.49 Km
Arbatax110.78 miles178.29 Km
Porto Santo Stefano116.04 miles186.75 Km
Porto Ercole118.64 miles190.93 Km
Porto Di Oristano118.66 miles190.97 Km
Portovecchio Di Piombino119.48 miles192.28 Km
Civitavecchia136.34 miles219.42 Km
Vada141.72 miles228.07 Km
Livorno150.70 miles242.52 Km
Fiumicino154.20 miles248.16 Km
Cagliari159.80 miles257.17 Km
Porto Vesme165.72 miles266.71 Km
Sarroch Oil Terminal167.37 miles269.35 Km
Carloforte169.84 miles273.33 Km
Viareggio170.68 miles274.68 Km
Sant'Antioco173.25 miles278.82 Km
Porto Ponte Romano174.24 miles280.41 Km
Anzio - Nettuno175.37 miles282.23 Km
Imperia175.88 miles283.05 Km
San Remo176.52 miles284.08 Km
Marina Di Carrara179.22 miles288.42 Km
Antibes179.79 miles289.35 Km
Monaco180.27 miles290.11 Km
Saint-Tropez180.91 miles291.14 Km