Ports in Argentina, Argentina Ports Guide

You can access the details and locations of each port in Argentina on this page.
Port NamePort Code
Bahia Blanca ARBHI
Buenos Aires AR BUE
Campana ARCMP
Colon AR COL
Comodoro Rivadavia ARCRD
Concepcion Del Uruguay AR COU
Concordia AR COC
Diamante AR DME
La Plata AR LPG
Mar Del Plata AR MDQ
Parana AR PRA
Puerto Belgrano ARPBG
Puerto Deseado AR PUD
Puerto Gallegos AR RGL
Puerto Galvan ARPGV
Puerto Ibicuy ARIBY
Puerto Ingeniero White ARINW
Puerto Madryn AR PMY
Puerto Nacional ARPNL
Puerto Rosales ARPRS
Puerto San Julian AR SJL
Puerto San Martin ARSMA
Puerto Santa Cruz AR RZA
Quequen AR QQN
Ramallo ARRAM
Rio Grande AR RGA
Rosario ARROS
San Blas AR BSB
San Lorenzo ARSLO
San Nicolas ARSNS
San Pedro ARSPD
San Sebastian Bay AR SSN
Santa Fe AR SFN
Ushuaia ARUSH
Villa Constitucion
Villa Constitucion ARVCN
Zarate ARZAE